Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer Fun

We have had so much fun so far this summer. Between visiting grandparents and cousins to pool time and fireworks, we have sure kept busy!

Hanging out with aunt Becki... On a trip to target :)

Max's monster birthday cake!

Cake and presents... and monster jammies

Tractor rides with great grandpa

Max taking Tatum for a ride in his new truck.

Max on his 3rd birthday eating cheetos and an icee. What a spoiled boy!

Tatie being adorable.

Tatie being goofy

Seeing cars 2 at the drive in with cousins


Sink baths

Farmers market sno cones with grandpa

Carnival rides

For Tatum, too

What a doll

Happy 4th!!

So Tate is almost walking, has mastered what I call the "sprint crawl," has 6 teeth, eats almost anything I put in front of her, sleeps awesome and is all around a happy girl. She has her daddy and grandpa all figured out...

Max is fitting the 3 year old mold just perfect. He is incredibly sweet, a good eater and sleeper, 100% potty trained and a master at getting his way. His favorite things to do are watch movies, play with cars and play on my phone.

Location:NW Woodside Dr,Riverside,United States

Friday, March 11, 2011

Fun with my babies


They love each other so much:)

So happy they are giddy

And Charlie,

Oh that Charlie dog.

He is well loved by the kids.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Baby Dedication

This Sunday we had the kids baby dedication. Lots of family came, including both grandparents and the James gang. Also our very good friends Nicole and Chris came. It was so sweet and Max and Tate did awesome.

Max has met our pastor many times but today he must have pictured "Pastor Tiger" as a tiger. The huge cat form. He kept saying "I'm not scared." What a brave little boy!

This part is when our pastor walks the baby around the sanctuary. He wanted Max to follow so we had talked it up trying to lessen the fear. He was so stinking cute. He started to walk with him then turned to me and said (in the precious voice of a 2 year old) "let's go mommy." So I walked too! Then he repeatedly reminded me that he wasn't scared :)

As we walked back to the front he noticed the pictures on the screen and relentlessly pointed them out. Even during the prayer. Tatie was a doll and smiled at everyone.

After church everyone came to Dee and Ampa's house for brunch.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

6 months

At her 6 month appointment last week Tate was 17.6 pounds. In the 75% for height and weight and 95th for head... taking after Max! She did so good with her shots, too. What a big girl!

Seems like Tatie has grown up in a week! She sits in the bath tub now...

Isn't she angelic?!

She sits and plays with toys. This time was for over 30 minutes!!

And new from tonight at the grocery store... Sitting in the basket! (Max's head in the back makes me smile :))

Loving their first bath without the baby tub.

On a Max note... potty training is going great!!! Yesterday only one accident and today only two. But he's starting to tell us when he needs to go, which is huge.

Only downfall is he now has more cars than a kid knows what to do with. Spoiled.

Potty Training

So potty training began with "big boy underpants," lots of stickers, little toy rewards and bags of m&m's. Day one: no success. Day two: afternoon success and I really thought he was getting it. Day 3: pretty sure someone swapped out my little boy with a small dog. He peed all over the house. In the kitchen, by the back door, in the living room, in the kitchen chairs. In our bedroom. I mean were his kidneys on overdrive? I've never seen so much pee. Day 4: he peed on my bedroom floor after sitting on the potty for 20 minutes. Then I noticed his ears were draining so he went to the doctor in a diaper. I gave up.

He was so burnt out on using the potty that anytime we asked him he would adamantly refuse to sit on it. We went toy shopping for Taylor and he didn't want any new toys. He would say "no I don't want to pee pee in potty, I don't want _____" (fill in the blank any cool toy). Too smart for his own good.

So today I went out and did what I had been refusing to do... I bought a little potty chair. I think these are so gross. I mean it's a port-a-potty in my house.

Within 10 minutes of having it out he had pooped in it. Not a full fledged poop, but a "I'm on antibiotics and when I fart poop squirts out" poop. Enough that we could get excited and reward him. Less than 20 minutes later... Pee!!! (look closely in the potty :))

So proud! He is holding his rewards- big Buzz and big Woody.
I am also allowing this repulsive potty to stay in the kitchen to make things less scary and more fun. Hope the success continues!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow day

A blizzard came and went yesterday and we all survived. We waited out the storm at my parents house where we watched the snow blow around and pile up. I think 13" was our total.

We watched movies, ate tacos and stayed warm. Tatie cuddled with her dolly...

Max hit his head on the stairs...

And to end the day Clark cleaned off the driveway with the neighbors snowblower and the kids took baths.

And yes... The duck is suctioned to his belly :)!
(please don't concern yourself with the red bath crayon streaks on the wall...)


Oh where to begin. Max is the definition of being a boy and being 2. He throws major fits when he doesn't get his way, he giggles when he farts, he loves to play with cars, trucks and balls and he is about as cute as they come. He is very proud to show off his little sister, talks every second he is awake, watches Mickey Mouse and Toy Story daily, and has a big sweet tooth (just like his momma!) He is amazingly entertaining, a very good sleeper, quite a flirt and says a prayer before every meal. He loves to play with his cousins and hates to go to daycare. He eats his body weight in fruit every week, likes to go bye bye and wants popcorn when we go to Target. He loves clothing with monsters and likes to "scare" himself with said monsters by letting out a little "ahh, I scare Nax" when he gets a chance. He is possessive over his toys, food, milk cups, and his blanket. If I call him silly, gross, goofy, crazy, etc... he is quick to correct saying "no, I not _____, I Nax." I don't know how he got so cute but I consider myself lucky to get to be his mommy:)

Friday, January 28, 2011


Tatum was born on July 30, 2010. She weighed 7lbs 14oz and arrived at 12:00pm exactly. She was just beautiful.

From the beginning she has had her days and nights straight. One of her and daddy's favorite things to do was take naps together

Her first "social smile." She and I had gone home after church so she could eat and we were about to go meet daddy and Max for lunch at chipotle (yum). All the sudden she looked at me and started smiling. So much that I caught it on camera! She isn't much for laughing but she does love to smile, especially at daddy and Charlie.

(Isn't this the cutest dress you've ever seen?!)

She rolled over tummy to back around 3 months. Then wouldn't do it again for weeks. All of the sudden one sunday (she apparently likes to have milestones on sundays) we caught her rolling from her back to her tummy. Then just kept going, tummy-back, back-tummy, you get the idea. She now is scooting backwards quite well and can turn in circles on her belly. She is working on getting her tummy off the ground when pushing up on her hands. No progress in moving forward just yet :). She is very good at sitting up and can keep her balance anywhere from 2-30 seconds.

She got her first tooth around 5 months (bottom right-her right). She got her 2nd (bottom left) about 2 weeks later. They are sharp and she uses them quite well.

We started baby food at 5 1/2 months. She hated cereal from the beginning so pretty soon after we tried actual food. Applesauce: not a fan. Sweet potatoes: they're ok. Peaches: confused on why they are sweet but kinda sour. Squash: weird, but kinda good. Pears: favorite so far. Peas: after a few gags ate some more, but very strange.

She currently weighs almost 18lbs and has some serious baby fat. The chunk on her legs is hilarious and her cheeks are the cutest things. She has a pretty little mouth and a perfect little nose. I could watch her sleep for hours. She loves Charlie the dog more than anyone, and smiles the most for daddy. She will sit on Clark's lap so calmly, but for me just squirms and fusses. Darn her sense of smell for the food! She isn't quite sure about her big brother, he is always yelling at her not to steal his toys and food. He loves her very much, though, and every night prays for her. Just the other night he even admitted he liked her :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Good Morning

A pretty normal morning at our house. Tatum playing with Charlie and Max watching cartoons. And for the first time in weeks Tatie slept until 8!!
A pretty normal, but very good and well rested, morning at our house.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


So here goes my second venture into blogging. With my massive amounts of free time I am going to chronicle the daily (or weekly...) lives of our growing, changing and beautiful kiddos.