So potty training began with "big boy underpants," lots of stickers, little toy rewards and bags of m&m's. Day one: no success. Day two: afternoon success and I really thought he was getting it. Day 3: pretty sure someone swapped out my little boy with a small dog. He peed all over the house. In the kitchen, by the back door, in the living room, in the kitchen chairs. In our bedroom. I mean were his kidneys on overdrive? I've never seen so much pee. Day 4: he peed on my bedroom floor after sitting on the potty for 20 minutes. Then I noticed his ears were draining so he went to the doctor in a diaper. I gave up.

He was so burnt out on using the potty that anytime we asked him he would adamantly refuse to sit on it. We went toy shopping for Taylor and he didn't want any new toys. He would say "no I don't want to pee pee in potty, I don't want _____" (fill in the blank any cool toy). Too smart for his own good.
So today I went out and did what I had been refusing to do... I bought a little potty chair. I think these are so gross. I mean it's a port-a-potty in my house.
Within 10 minutes of having it out he had pooped in it. Not a full fledged poop, but a "I'm on antibiotics and when I fart poop squirts out" poop. Enough that we could get excited and reward him. Less than 20 minutes later... Pee!!! (look closely in the potty :))

So proud! He is holding his rewards- big Buzz and big Woody.
I am also allowing this repulsive potty to stay in the kitchen to make things less scary and more fun. Hope the success continues!