This Sunday we had the kids baby dedication. Lots of family came, including both grandparents and the James gang. Also our very good friends Nicole and Chris came. It was so sweet and Max and Tate did awesome.

Max has met our pastor many times but today he must have pictured "Pastor Tiger" as a tiger. The huge cat form. He kept saying "I'm not scared." What a brave little boy!

This part is when our pastor walks the baby around the sanctuary. He wanted Max to follow so we had talked it up trying to lessen the fear. He was so stinking cute. He started to walk with him then turned to me and said (in the precious voice of a 2 year old) "let's go mommy." So I walked too! Then he repeatedly reminded me that he wasn't scared :)

As we walked back to the front he noticed the pictures on the screen and relentlessly pointed them out. Even during the prayer. Tatie was a doll and smiled at everyone.
After church everyone came to Dee and Ampa's house for brunch.